Nurturing Yourself: Embracing Self-Compassion and Self-Care

It’s funny—I’ve known since I was 13 that January is named after the god Janus, who has two faces: one looking forward and one backward. Now, it strikes me how ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace the Art of Mastery (The Social Media Sutra, Part 1)

In a series of six posts, I explore how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from our addiction to social media. These teachings come from the ... Read MoreRead More


The Essence of Love Lies in Your Perspective, Not in the Search

In one of my early experiences with lovingkindness meditation (metta bhavana), a teacher instructed me to find feelings of love in my heart and then extend that love to others. ... Read MoreRead More


Simply Look Away… (The Social Media Sutra, Chapter 3)

In a series of six posts, I discuss, using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, how we can free ourselves from social media addiction. These teachings are found in the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More


A Gentle Approach to Achieving Your Goals

When a parent shames us by unfavorably comparing us to a sibling, a boss humiliates us in front of colleagues for not meeting expectations, or a partner repeatedly complains about ... Read MoreRead More


Overthrowing the Grip of Social Media Dependency (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I’ve explained how we can break free from our social media addiction using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are found in the ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Strategies to Combat Social Media Addiction (The Social Media Sutra, Introduction)

In late 2019, I recorded a series of talks for “Tricycle” magazine, discussing how Buddhist tools can help overcome social media and internet addiction. These talks were not posted online ... Read MoreRead More


The Illusion of Free Will and Why It’s Inconsequential

Free will is the ability to choose among different actions without any obstacles. Most people think everyone always has free will, except in specific situations like hypnosis or mental illness. ... Read MoreRead More


Five Strategies for Self-Forgiveness and Releasing Deep-Seated Regrets

I’ve seen many people struggle because they can’t forgive themselves. They might have hurt someone, missed an opportunity, or made a bad choice, and they endlessly beat themselves up about ... Read MoreRead More


“Your Kindness Can Transform the World”

Just like a parent fiercely protects their child, we should cherish all living beings with an open heart, spreading kindness everywhere. Just as children need caring parents, the world today ... Read MoreRead More


“Finding Serenity Here”

If you’ve ever meditated, you know how often we have to steer our minds back to our breathing, nurturing kindness, or another point of focus. Yet, we continuously get sidetracked ... Read MoreRead More


The Moment I Nearly Walked Away from Teaching

A few weeks ago, I told some friends that I was planning to quit teaching meditation. Financially, it just wasn’t working out, especially with not enough people signing up for ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Struggles (The Social Media Sutra, Part 4)

In a series of six posts, I’m explaining how we can break free from our addiction to social media by using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. Specifically, these teachings come ... Read MoreRead More


Is empathy always beneficial?

A member of Wildmind’s community recently reminded me of an article titled “The Surprising Downsides of Empathy” that was published on the BBC website two-and-a-half years ago. According to the ... Read MoreRead More


Cultivating Empathy for Your Future Self: The Key to Mastering Self-Discipline

Generally, we humans struggle with doing things that are good for our long-term well-being, especially when they’re challenging in the short term. Regular habits like meditating or exercising require self-discipline. ... Read MoreRead More


Understanding the Bond in Romantic Relationships

I’ve been practicing Buddhism for a long time, and I’ve noticed that when people talk about attachment in intimate relationships, they usually focus on being too attached to the other ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing Our Wholeness

There are many ways we can react to life’s challenges, disappointments, and frustrations. We might become anxious, worry, and imagine the worst possible outcomes, making our hearts race. Sometimes, we ... Read MoreRead More


Maximize Your Capabilities Through Masterful Living

The Buddha’s cousin, Ananda, once asked him about the benefits of living skillfully. The Buddha explained that living skillfully leads to freedom from remorse, which brings joy. This joy allows ... Read MoreRead More


Navigating Turbulent Times with the Eightfold Path: A Guiding Framework for Life

I was deep into creating my online course “Love Your Enemies” when the seriousness of the coronavirus crisis hit. This put me a bit behind in responding to the current ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Mastery: The Social Media Sutra, Volume One

In a series of six posts, I’ve illustrated how we can free ourselves from our social media addiction using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, specifically the Vitakkasanthana Sutta. This text ... Read MoreRead More


Mastering the Art of Proper Breathing: Finding Calm and Clarity in Every Exhale

Vidyamala’s online course, Mindfulness for Women, starts on March 1. Breathing correctly can be instantly beneficial because when we face stress and pain – whether it’s mental, emotional, or physical ... Read MoreRead More