Transforming Fear and Denial into Love and Acceptance: A Journey of Emotional Evolution

In his book “The Road Less Traveled,” psychiatrist M. Scott Peck begins by stating that life is difficult. He argues that recognizing and accepting this fact can help us move ... Read MoreRead More


Revolutionizing Your Relationship with Social Media (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I explain how we can break free from our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Four Strategies to Cultivate Self-Empathy and Kindness Toward Yourself

One practice that has profoundly changed my life is self-empathy. When I first encountered the term, it was a revelation. I realized that I had never been truly empathetic toward ... Read MoreRead More


The Seven Biggest Challenges Faced by New Meditators (and Effective Solutions)

I was recently asked to share a couple of paragraphs about common frustrations for new meditators and how to overcome them. The original request was quite brief, so I decided ... Read MoreRead More


Envisioning Experience as a Cinematic Journey

In my previous post, I mentioned I’ve been teaching meditations based on a Buddhist discourse called the Honeyball or Honeycake Sutta. This teaching helps us relax our sense of being ... Read MoreRead More


The Art of Presence: Finding Clarity Through Stillness in Meditation

Just Sitting is a practice focused on accepting yourself completely. It involves sitting quietly and letting your thoughts flow freely without getting tangled up in them. Over time, this practice ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace and Understand Your Pain (The Social Media Sutra, Part 4)

In a series of six posts, I’m sharing insights from early Buddhist scriptures on how to break free from social media addiction. These teachings are found in the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, ... Read MoreRead More


Reclaiming Focus: Conquering Social Media Dependency (The Social Media Sutra, Chapter 5)

I’ve broken down how the teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us free ourselves from social media addiction. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, which outlines five ways ... Read MoreRead More


Understanding the True Essence of “the Unconditioned”

I’ve often heard Buddhists mention “the unconditioned,” and I have a lot of skepticism about this concept. To me, it makes Enlightenment seem like something distant and almost mystical. People ... Read MoreRead More


Persist and Thrive!

You might be familiar with community-supported agriculture, where people pay for a share of a farm’s produce, which they receive as the crops are harvested. Wildmind is adopting a similar ... Read MoreRead More


Contrasting Innate Purity and Original Sin (Day 69)

One of my favorite movie scenes features a Freudian analyst with a thick Viennese accent. He asks a man about his childhood, and the man replies that he had a ... Read MoreRead More


Cultivating a Steadfast Meditation Routine

I really admire those people who can honestly say they’ve been meditating every day for 10 or 20 years without missing a single day. I’ve been meditating for 30 years, ... Read MoreRead More


“What You Might Mistake for Genuine Kindness”

Someone recently shared their thoughts with me about using the word “love” to translate “metta,” a Buddhist term often rendered as “lovingkindness.” I must admit, I used to translate metta ... Read MoreRead More


Ancient Wisdom Through a Modern Lens

When I was a teenager, I read “From Primitives to Zen,” a book compiled by Mircea Eliade that brought together texts from various religious traditions. Eliade, a prominent Romanian historian ... Read MoreRead More


“Embracing the Essence of Serenity”

Anyone who has tried meditating knows that we constantly redirect our mind towards the sensations of our breath, fostering kindness, or focusing on another meditation object, only to find ourselves ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Downsides (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)

In a series of posts, I explore how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from social media addiction. Specifically, I refer to the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, an ... Read MoreRead More


A Dozen Complimentary Meditation Audio Files!

In 2021, we’re celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Wildmind website. To mark this special occasion, we’re offering two albums of guided meditation MP3s for free. Please enjoy these meditations! ... Read MoreRead More


Cultivating Gratitude: Methods and Benefits Explained

Gratitude brings us happiness, rather than the other way around. Our brains are naturally inclined to focus on negative aspects of our lives, which can increase anxiety and stress. We ... Read MoreRead More


The Essential Wisdom of Life Through the Lens of Buddhism

The core teaching of Buddhism, without which the other teachings wouldn’t make sense, is that things change. While this idea might seem obvious, having been acknowledged by many philosophers and ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Downsides (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)

In a series of posts, I’ve been detailing how we can free ourselves from social media addiction using early Buddhist teachings. These insights are drawn from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, an ... Read MoreRead More


Contemplating My Mother’s Passing

Today is my birthday, and it feels very different from any of the previous ones I’ve had in my 63 years of life. It’s the first birthday since my mother ... Read MoreRead More