Even if we know how helpful meditation can be for us and how much harder life can feel without it, we can still struggle with resistance. This resistance can be pretty tough, especially when we feel like we “should” meditate, but also don’t want to.
Sometimes, there’s more going on beneath the surface. We might think meditation is selfish, worry about not getting things done, or fear change. If you can figure out what’s really causing your resistance, you might find it easier to rediscover your motivation. But, in many ways, the specifics of your resistance might not matter that much.
One effective strategy I’ve found is to really tune into the feeling of resistance. Where do you feel it in your body? How big is it? Does it have a particular texture? What kind of thoughts does it provoke? By noticing these details and just being present with the resistance, you’re already meditating. You could sit on your meditation cushion or simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing while observing the resistance. This way, the specific reasons for your resistance are less important, because you’re not engaging with them logically. Instead, you’re surrounding them with mindful awareness.
If you truly want to meditate every day but find resistance persists, set a low bar for success—like just five minutes. It may not seem like much, but consistency is more important than duration. Feel free to meditate longer, but don’t pressure yourself. Aiming too high can create more resistance.
The goal is to make daily meditation a habit, something you don’t even need to decide on. It should just be a natural part of your day. I use a mantra: “I meditate every day; it’s just what I do; it’s part of who I am.” Repeat this mantra and meditate for at least five minutes daily until it becomes a deep-seated belief. If you miss a day, don’t worry. Just keep repeating the mantra and get back to it: “I meditate every day; it’s just what I do; it’s part of who I am.”
Why is daily meditation so important? Two main reasons:
1. There’s a cumulative effect from daily meditation, similar to learning a new language—consistent practice every day is more beneficial than irregular practice.
2. Daily meditation helps you overcome resistance. If you only meditate when you feel like it, you let your resistance win.
For those who want to start meditating, a small space in your apartment works fine. Candles can add a nice touch but are not necessary. Just let your breathing happen naturally.
This advice can help you build a steady meditation practice and incorporate it seamlessly into your daily life.