Sometimes, our inspiration to meditate dries up, and we find ourselves just going through the motions. We might even stop meditating regularly. Occasionally, we’ll listen to a guided meditation, either online or at a retreat, and it feels like our practice is revitalized. But soon, it goes back to the same old routine.
To help sustain your inspiration, I’ve started offering a new 10-minute guided meditation every day. Last year, I tested this idea with a meditation app start-up. The goal was to provide a daily 10-minute meditation to give ongoing spiritual nourishment to those who have been meditating for a while.
These short meditations don’t have a definitive end. They introduce an approach to meditating and then leave you to continue for as long as you’d like. You can set your timer for anywhere from 12 minutes (the minimum recommended) to 20, 30, 40 minutes, or however long you prefer. These introductions give your meditation practice a little push to get started.
Sitting With Bodhi is a wonderful way to learn new skills and nourish your practice. The first month-long series offers highly effective techniques to help you slow down your thoughts, calm your mind, and create a peaceful sanctuary amid your busy life.
There are two options for Sitting With Bodhi. You can either stream the guided meditations or choose to have both streaming meditations and a daily download.