When I was younger, I believed that New Year’s resolutions would almost magically bring about change. I thought that just wanting to change was enough to make it happen. This was probably because I saw moving from one year to the next as having some kind of “magic.”
I’ve learned a lot since then about how slowly inner change happens. These days, I see New Year’s resolutions differently, if I even make them at all. Now, they serve as a chance for me to think about the direction in which I’d like to slowly evolve. They’re more like aspirations than resolutions.
One practical and symbolic change happening now might seem trivial, but it’s actually quite significant. My bookkeeper is closing our old QuickBooks Online account and opening a new one. The old account has been with me for years, like an old house that’s seen many repairs and alterations, often done by people who weren’t very sure of what they were doing, resulting in a chaotic mess.
For instance, Wildmind used to run an online store selling meditation supplies to help cover the costs of teaching meditation. We stopped that two years ago, and last year I donated several thousand dollars worth of inventory to my local Dharma center for their little bookshop. Though it was a relief to clear out that inventory, our accounts are still cluttered with old categories, products, and vendor records. It’s a mess. So, we’re starting fresh with new records that reflect my current work with Wildmind. It’s a clean, light setup, and it feels great. That feels almost magical.
Personally, I aspire to create a better balance in my life—balancing self-care and nourishment with being creative, productive, and helpful. As I enter 2022, I’m keeping these aspirations in mind. Change doesn’t happen just because you wish for it; you have to work to maintain those aspirations, be mindful of opportunities to bring balance to your life, and notice when things are getting out of balance. It’s still work, but these are the things I aim to focus on to bring more balance into my life. If I can manage that, then 2022 should be both joyful and creative, benefiting both me and others.
Happy New Year!