Mindfulness is increasingly being introduced in schools to help children manage stress and improve their emotional regulation. It additionally aids in boosting focus, attention, and memory. In some schools where mindfulness programs have been implemented, detention rates have seen a significant decline — sometimes even dropping to zero.
For example, Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore has replaced detention with meditation and has observed remarkable results. Ali Smith, the founder of the Holistic Life Foundation, shared his success story on the Emmy award-winning talk show, The Doctors.
A segment from CBS This Morning detailed how the practice of mindfulness is integrated into the school routine. Over 300 students participate in a 15-minute “mindful moment” twice a day, concentrating on their breathing. This program is particularly noteworthy because it’s taking place in a neighborhood struggling with violence and widespread drug activity. Ali and his brother Ahmed, who hail from the same area, initiated this effort to drive social change.
As of the time the second video was shared, the program had expanded to 14 schools, reaching approximately 4,000 children.