Understanding Alone Won’t Suffice: The Need for Action

These days, more people are looking to gain insight into their lives. For a long time, many in the West were skeptical about whether achieving such awakening was realistic. Thoughts ... Read MoreRead More


The Timeless Essence of Forgiveness

We all tend to be hard on ourselves for things we did wrong in the past or think we did wrong. It’s important to forgive ourselves. When we don’t, we ... Read MoreRead More


Revolutionizing Your Relationship with Social Media (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I explain how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from social media addiction. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, ... Read MoreRead More


“Embracing Serenity in the Present Moment”

For the past month, I’ve been recording daily guided meditations based on teachings from the Buddhist Honeyball Sutta. This discourse outlines a feedback loop that leads to our own suffering. ... Read MoreRead More


An Insider Look at a Thrilling New Initiative

We’re thrilled at Wildmind as we embark on developing our very own app, featuring an ever-growing collection of my guided meditations. The app will be free to download, but a ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Downsides (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)

I’ve been sharing posts that draw from early Buddhist scriptures to explain how we can break free from our addiction to social media. These teachings are found in the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Tranquility and Foster Empathy

The weeks leading up to the US presidential election were a real emotional roller coaster for me. As a “Resident Alien,” I couldn’t vote, but I certainly had strong feelings ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Imperfections Without Shame

We all go through conditioning that can impact our happiness and sometimes make us miserable. This conditioning starts even before we are born. Studies show that our grandparents’ exposure to ... Read MoreRead More


Finding Hope Amidst Our Struggles

Embracing Our Flaws Some people can accept their less attractive traits without much distress. Others develop ways to hide these imperfections, while some convince themselves that their shortcomings justify harmful ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Pain (The Social Media Sutra, Chapter 4)

In a series of six posts, I’m breaking down how we can overcome our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, specifically the Vitakkasanthana Sutta. This text ... Read MoreRead More


“Examining the Pitfalls (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)”

In this series of posts, I’m using early Buddhist scriptures to explain how we can break free from our social media addiction. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, an ... Read MoreRead More


“Love’s Essence Lies in Your Perspective, Not the Search”

During one of my initial attempts at lovingkindness meditation (metta bhavana), a teacher instructed us to find feelings of love in our hearts and then extend that love to others. ... Read MoreRead More


“A Four-Step Journey to Cultivating Self-Empathy and Self-Kindness”

One thing that has really transformed my life is practicing self-empathy. When I first heard the term, it was like a lightbulb went off because I realized I hadn’t been ... Read MoreRead More


Delving into the Essence of Insight Practice

What is insight practice? To answer that, let’s first understand what the Buddha’s teaching, or Dharma, is about. Dharma is essentially about finding freedom from suffering, which is the core ... Read MoreRead More


Seven Effective Strategies for Enhancing Your Lovingkindness Practice

In the tradition I follow, lovingkindness (known as metta bhavana) and mindfulness meditation are seen as equally important. However, from my observations, about a third of long-term practitioners tend to ... Read MoreRead More


Mastering the Craft of Mindful Self-Dialogue

Many people find it easier to meditate with guided meditations rather than doing it alone, and that’s understandable. Having a guide provides us with an external voice, bringing expertise that ... Read MoreRead More


Simply Look Away… (The Social Media Sutra, Part 3)

In this series of six posts, I’ll explain how we can break free from social media addiction using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, specifically the Vitakkasanthana Sutta. This text outlines ... Read MoreRead More


Navigating the Path to Simplified Living

I had heard about the trails in the woods next to my new apartment, but when I first took my dog for walks, I couldn’t figure out where they started. ... Read MoreRead More


Exposing Seven Common Misconceptions about the Buddha

Many books on Buddhism repeat common misconceptions about the Buddha. This happens because many of these books are just referencing older writings instead of presenting new research or insights. I’d ... Read MoreRead More


“Seven Techniques to Sharpen Your Focus and Enhance Your Energy Levels”

I remember a time when people would usually respond with “good” when asked, “How are you?” Nowadays, the typical answer seems to be “busy.” Recently, I’ve been feeling incredibly busy ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Mastery in Social Media (The Social Media Sutra, Part 1)

In a series of six posts, I’ll explain, using early Buddhist teachings, how we can free ourselves from our addiction to social media. These teachings are found in the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More