Revolutionizing Your Relationship with Social Media (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I explain how teachings from the early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from our addiction to social media. These teachings come from ... Read MoreRead More


How to Ensure Your New Year’s Meditation Commitment Succeeds

At this time of year, you might be thinking about making a New Year’s resolution to meditate every day. I used to make resolutions, too! Typically, these attempts were pretty ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing Expertise (The Social Media Sutra, Part 1)

In a series of posts, I explain how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from our addiction to social media. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Imperfections Without Shame

We all experience conditioning that impacts our happiness and can sometimes make us miserable. This conditioning begins even before birth. Studies have shown that our grandparents’ exposure to stress can ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing Donald Trump: A Journey of Acceptance Without Affection

We live in a time where it’s common to have intense admiration for your chosen political leaders and strong disdain for the opposing ones. Many believe this extreme partisanship is ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing Māra: A Journey to Recognition, Respect, and Love

I haven’t posted here in quite a while. Most of my energy has been devoted to supporting Wildmind’s community, made up of people who contribute financially each month so I ... Read MoreRead More


Nurturing Kindness Through Culinary Experiences

I’m making dinner for my kids while they tackle their homework in another room. I’m chopping vegetables, whipping up a peanut butter sauce, frying tofu, and stirring rice. Multitasking isn’t ... Read MoreRead More


The Power of Meditation: Developing Awareness and Focus on the Present Moment

Discover the power of meditation and how it can develop awareness and focus on the present moment. Explore different types and benefits of meditation. ... Read MoreRead More


Revolutionizing Our Relationship with Social Media (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I explain how we can break free from our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Exploring the Innate Benefits of Meditation

Meditation often tugs at the mind in two distinct directions. On one hand, it offers peace, calm, and joy, which should theoretically help you stay anchored in the present moment. ... Read MoreRead More


The Third Missile: A New Strategy Revealed

The weekend my wife told me she wanted a divorce, she took our kids to stay with a friend for a few days. They were only four and six years ... Read MoreRead More


The Power of Saying a Kind “No”

Last night, while chatting with a friend, she brought up the importance of being mindful about our boundaries and not always saying “yes” to every request for help. This stuck ... Read MoreRead More


Does Buddhist Practice Risk Making You Less Compassionate?

Imagine this: You have the option to take a pill that will extend your life by six months. Alternatively, you can give this pill to a stranger, adding five years ... Read MoreRead More


“Eyes Filled with Tenderness”

The Buddha taught that we can replace unhelpful thoughts, which cause us unnecessary suffering, with more beneficial ones. He likened this to how a carpenter dislodges a wooden peg from ... Read MoreRead More


Optimize Your Mind for Joy and Productivity

Over the past few years, a significant amount of research has helped us understand what happens in the brain during meditation and how it provides long-term benefits. Meditation, for instance, ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace a Life Filled with Love

These days, I’ve been reflecting on the idea of “lived by love.” To me, it means approaching life with compassion, good intentions, self-control, warmth, and kindness. It’s about finding what’s ... Read MoreRead More


Shift Your Focus to Mastery (The Social Media Sutra, Part 1)

I’ve written a series of six posts discussing how we can break free from our social media addiction using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, specifically the Vitakkasanthana Sutta. This sutta ... Read MoreRead More


Cultivating Serenity in Everyday Moments

Here’s the updated rephrased content based on your requirements: — Our Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness event kicks off on Tuesday, Nov 1! Many people think that being a meditation teacher ... Read MoreRead More


A Simple Change That Leads to Greater Inner Peace

Often, when we notice changes, it’s as if we’re shocked that the universe has kept these surprises from us. We ask, “Who is that older person staring at me from ... Read MoreRead More


Simply Look Away… (The Social Media Sutra, Part 3)

In a series of six posts, I explain how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from social media addiction. These insights are derived from the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing True Heroism through Acts of Love

Life as a battle is a common metaphor—even in Buddhist teachings. Bodhipaksa shows how the Buddha turned the language of violence around to show that true heroism is practicing love. ... Read MoreRead More