The Mind’s Journey Back Home

When we start learning to meditate, we quickly realize our minds tend to wander way more than we expected. We might notice that after just two or three breaths, our ... Read MoreRead More


Transforming into a Steadfast Meditation Enthusiast

I really admire the few people I know who have been meditating consistently for 10 or 20 years without missing a day. I’ve been meditating for 30 years, but I’ve ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Meditation Strategies to Navigate Holiday Stress

The holiday season can be pretty stressful with financial pressures, crowded shopping malls, the desire for perfect parties and gifts, travel, overindulgence in food and alcohol, dealing with relatives you ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Mindfulness Techniques for Instant Relaxation

Vidyamala’s online course, “Mindfulness for Women: Declutter Your Mind, Simplify Your Life, Find Time to ‘Be’,” starts on March 1. Do you often push yourself to your limits? Do you ... Read MoreRead More


Set a New Year’s Goal to Meditate Every Day? Tips to Turn It Into Reality

It’s early January, and many people who made New Year’s resolutions are already slipping, whether it’s missing a gym session, indulging in unhealthy eating, or skipping meditation. Changing habits is ... Read MoreRead More


Avert Your Gaze: Navigating the Social Media Landscape (The Social Media Sutra, Part 3)

In a series of six posts, I explain how early Buddhist teachings can help us break free from social media addiction. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, which outlines ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Downsides (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)

In a series of posts, I explain using early Buddhist scriptures how we can free ourselves from social media addiction. These teachings, found in the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, outline five strategies ... Read MoreRead More


Taking Control Over Social Media Habits: The Social Media Sutra, Part 5

In a series of six posts, I explain, using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, how we can free ourselves from our addiction to social media. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Five Strategies for Self-Forgiveness and Releasing Deep Regret

I’ve seen many people struggle because they can’t forgive themselves. Maybe they hurt someone, let someone get hurt, missed an opportunity, or made a poor choice. They end up torturing ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Strategies for Conquering Social Media Dependency (An Introduction to The Social Media Sutra)

In late 2019, I recorded a series of talks for “Tricycle” magazine discussing how tools from the Buddhist tradition can help overcome social media and internet addiction. These talks went ... Read MoreRead More


Navigating the Path to Simplified Living

I’d heard there were trails in the woods next to my new apartment, but finding them wasn’t straightforward. When I first walked my dog, the paths were hard to follow, ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing the Bliss of Being Unavailable

I’m currently teaching an online course called “Calm In the Storm,” which focuses on finding peace during these turbulent times. Teaching this course has heightened my awareness of my relationship ... Read MoreRead More


Discover the Power of Mindfulness Meditation

Welcome to, where inner peace and mindfulness await you. In today’s fast-paced world, finding tranquility can seem like an impossible task. That’s why we are here to guide you ... Read MoreRead More