I came across an insightful piece from “Reasons to Stay Alive” by Matt Haig this morning and thought it was worth sharing. The idea is that our world seems increasingly designed to bring us down. Happiness isn’t very profitable for businesses. If we were content with what we had, why would we need more? For example, to sell an anti-aging moisturizer, companies make us worry about getting old. Political parties, on the other hand, often get votes by making us anxious about issues like immigration. Insurance companies sell policies by feeding our fears about various risks. The cosmetic surgery industry grows by pointing out imperfections we might not have noticed. TV shows attract viewers by playing on our fear of missing out. New smartphones look appealing when we’re made to feel outdated without them.
Being calm and accepting ourselves as we are can be seen as a rebellious act. Feeling happy without constantly upgrading our lives doesn’t serve business interests. Embracing our flawed, human nature stands in contrast to what commercial messages usually encourage.
It’s great to hear from you, Aniruddha! I hope you and your family are well.