My Personal Journey of Embracing a Buddhist Lifestyle

A while ago, I heard from a woman who was worried that my life as a Buddhist must be pretty dull—she assumed I just spent my time meditating and “being ... Read MoreRead More


The Profound Art of Embracing Tranquility

Recently, I’ve been diving into “The Buddha Before Buddhism” by Gil Fronsdal, which translates what’s believed to be one of the oldest Buddhist teachings. This book has significantly impacted my ... Read MoreRead More


Mindfulness: Embracing Liberation and Possibility

These days, mindfulness seems to be talked about everywhere, but often, it isn’t clearly defined. For me, mindfulness mainly means self-observation. When we’re not being mindful, it’s like we’re on ... Read MoreRead More


Seeking Enthusiastic Participants for a New Meditation App Trial

I’ve been working with a fantastic new iPhone app called OpenSit, and I’d love for you to give it a try. It’s still being developed and tested, so this is ... Read MoreRead More


Reconnect with Nature to Enhance Relaxation and Alleviate Stress

Nature is a great way to relieve stress and lift your mood. It helps you gain perspective, calm down, and soothe your nerves. Spend a bit of time each day ... Read MoreRead More


Contrasting Empathy and Compassion: A Deeper Dive

On the Boston Review, Paul Bloom has written a thought-provoking piece titled “Against Empathy.” While it might sound like he’s suggesting we lead a life without compassion, he’s actually drawing ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Suffering (Part 4 of The Social Media Sutra)

I’ve been explaining how we can break free from our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, which offers five ... Read MoreRead More


Empathizing with Your Future Self: The Key to Mastering Self-Discipline

Generally, we humans struggle with doing things that are good for our long-term wellbeing, especially when they are challenging in the short-term. Take meditating or exercising regularly, for example. These ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing Expertise: The Social Media Sutra, Part 1

In a series of six posts, I explain, using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures, how we can free ourselves from our addiction to social media. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Your Pain (The Social Media Sutra, Chapter 4)

In a series of six posts, I explain how we can break free from our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Transform Your Self-Perception to Embrace Daily Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice that can make us healthier, happier, and more compassionate. Even though many of us understand these benefits, maintaining a regular meditation routine can be challenging. ... Read MoreRead More


Mastering Control Over Social Media Obsession (The Social Media Sutra, Part 5)

In a series of six posts, I explain how we can free ourselves from our addiction to social media using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Harnessing the Strength of Gratitude

Happiness is often the most suppressed emotion. If that surprises you, think about what happens during meditation: you notice when your mind starts wandering and then bring your focus back ... Read MoreRead More


How Buddhist Practices Might Affect Your Behavior: A Critical Examination

Let’s imagine you have a choice: take a pill that extends your life by six months or give it to a stranger who will gain five extra years. Which would ... Read MoreRead More


When Compassion Falls Short: The Grief We Feel (Day 28)

I’ve had several inquiries about the “near enemy” of compassion, so let’s dive into that. A “near enemy” is something that can easily be confused with compassion, resembling it closely ... Read MoreRead More


Mastering the Art of Equilibrium in Practice

These days, there’s a mistaken belief that mindfulness is the only quality we need to develop in meditation and that everything else will follow automatically. However, this isn’t how meditation ... Read MoreRead More


The All-Encompassing Rhythm of Breath

When I teach a refresher course on meditation, I often start by asking everyone to meditate for a few minutes while focusing on their breathing, as they usually do. After ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing and Nurturing Your Inner Challenges

Yesterday, someone reached out to me, mentioning that as they delved deeper into their spiritual practice, they began to experience rising anger. They recently started their journey towards freedom from ... Read MoreRead More


Observe the Rhythm of Your Breath

I’d like to propose a different approach to meditation. Typically, meditation involves focusing on observing the breath—air moving in and out of your airways. However, I find it much more ... Read MoreRead More


The Enigmatic Essence of Existence

Wildmind’s online course, “The Great Mystery of Being: A Practical Introduction to the Experience of Non-Self,” kicks off on Wednesday, September 20th. One of the Buddha’s most profound insights is ... Read MoreRead More


Embrace Love for What Challenges You

Someone emailed me recently about how she often feels a sense of anxiety around her solar plexus. I can relate to that. I experience it too, although not constantly, it’s ... Read MoreRead More