Embrace Your Pain (The Social Media Sutra, Part 4)

In this series of six posts, I’ve been discussing how teachings from early Buddhist scriptures can help us overcome our addiction to social media. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana ... Read MoreRead More


Navigating the Challenges of Transformation

The other day, one of my meditation students reached out for some advice. She needed to downsize and move into a smaller apartment, which meant she had to part with ... Read MoreRead More


A Dozen Complimentary Meditation Audio Tracks!

2021 marks the 21st anniversary of the launch of the Wildmind website. To celebrate, we’re offering two albums of guided meditation MP3s for free. Please enjoy these meditations! If you ... Read MoreRead More


Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Children: A Guide for Parents

To help your children enjoy the uplifting effects of spirituality, you can follow a few simple, practical steps in everyday life. Psychology professor Mark Holder suggests three main ways to ... Read MoreRead More


Harnessing the Impact of Mindfulness in Educational Settings

Mindfulness is now being used more in schools to help children manage stress and better control their emotions. It also aids in improving focus, attention, and memory. In some schools, ... Read MoreRead More


How Buddhist Practices Might Affect Your Behavior: A Critical Examination

Let’s imagine you have a choice: take a pill that extends your life by six months or give it to a stranger who will gain five extra years. Which would ... Read MoreRead More


Moments When I Questioned My Sanity…

Hi, Bodhipaksa here. I want to share some exciting updates with you. A few months ago, I realized that offering our online meditation courses by donation just wasn’t working anymore. ... Read MoreRead More


When Compassion Falls Short: The Grief We Feel (Day 28)

I’ve had several inquiries about the “near enemy” of compassion, so let’s dive into that. A “near enemy” is something that can easily be confused with compassion, resembling it closely ... Read MoreRead More


Becoming a Better You: Let Go of the Good Person Pursuit

Lately, I’ve come to realize that wanting to see yourself as a good person can be counterproductive. You might think it’s only natural to want to see ourselves that way, ... Read MoreRead More


Mastering the Art of Equilibrium in Practice

These days, there’s a mistaken belief that mindfulness is the only quality we need to develop in meditation and that everything else will follow automatically. However, this isn’t how meditation ... Read MoreRead More


The All-Encompassing Rhythm of Breath

When I teach a refresher course on meditation, I often start by asking everyone to meditate for a few minutes while focusing on their breathing, as they usually do. After ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Strategies for Conquering Social Media Dependency (The Social Media Sutra, Introduction)

In late 2019, I recorded a series of talks for “Tricycle” magazine about using Buddhist tools to overcome social media and internet addiction. These talks were posted online in January ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Downsides (The Social Media Sutra, Part 2)

In this series of posts, I delve into teachings from early Buddhist scriptures to explore how we can free ourselves from addiction to social media. These teachings are found in ... Read MoreRead More


Strategizing Against Social Media Dependence (The Social Media Sutra, Chapter 5)

In a series of six posts, I talk about how we can break free from our addiction to social media by using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures. These teachings are ... Read MoreRead More


Lessons Learned from Animal Deaths: The Transformative Power of Rituals

I’m deeply moved and inspired by how much children often care about wild animals. Their love seems natural and more immediate compared to many adults, including myself. Yesterday, my nine-year-old ... Read MoreRead More


Embracing and Nurturing Your Inner Challenges

Yesterday, someone reached out to me, mentioning that as they delved deeper into their spiritual practice, they began to experience rising anger. They recently started their journey towards freedom from ... Read MoreRead More


Observe the Rhythm of Your Breath

I’d like to propose a different approach to meditation. Typically, meditation involves focusing on observing the breath—air moving in and out of your airways. However, I find it much more ... Read MoreRead More


Examining the Pitfalls: The Social Media Sutra, Part 2

In a series of posts, I explain how we can break free from social media addiction using teachings from early Buddhist scriptures found in the Vitakkasanthana Sutta. This ancient text ... Read MoreRead More


Effective Strategies for Conquering Social Media Dependency (The Social Media Sutra, Introduction)

In late 2019, I recorded a series of talks for “Tricycle” magazine, focusing on how Buddhist tools can help us tackle social media and internet addiction. The talks were released ... Read MoreRead More


Seven Effective Strategies to Integrate Meditation into Your Daily Routine

Understanding the benefits of meditation is one thing. You know it’s great for your mental health, helps ward off depression and anxiety, makes you happier, boosts your intelligence, slows down ... Read MoreRead More


The Enigmatic Essence of Existence

Wildmind’s online course, “The Great Mystery of Being: A Practical Introduction to the Experience of Non-Self,” kicks off on Wednesday, September 20th. One of the Buddha’s most profound insights is ... Read MoreRead More