You might be familiar with community-supported agriculture, where people buy a share of a farm’s produce, which gets delivered to them when it’s ready. Wildmind is doing something similar but focused on meditation and is becoming a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative.
By supporting us, even with as little as $8 a month, you’ll get access to:
Your support gives Wildmind the financial stability to concentrate on teaching meditation instead of just trying to stay afloat. This shift has already made a big difference. The constant worry over whether there will be enough money in the bank to cover our bills is starting to disappear.
In the future, joining our community will be the only way to take part in new courses I develop. Once the remaining shares in our initiative are sponsored, this chance might not come around again for a while, so I recommend acting now.
You can choose to sponsor any number of shares. On average, people are sponsoring a little over two shares each. There aren’t any extra benefits (other than good karma) for sponsoring more shares, but if you want to show extra appreciation and can afford it, you have that option. I’d be very grateful if you sponsor more than one share.
Wildmind is a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative. Explore the benefits of becoming a supporter.