Lately, I’ve been feeling really down and depressed, but a simple thought changed everything for me, and I want to share it because it might help others too.
I was out for a walk the other day, worrying about Wildmind’s shaky financial situation. We don’t have enough sponsors right now to break even, and our bank balance is dropping fast. It’s discouraging to work hard on something you believe in and not get the support you need. In my lowest moments, I start to question the value of my work and, by extension, my own worth.
While I was deep in these gloomy thoughts during my walk, a surprising thought popped into my head: “You’re a warrior.” I don’t usually see myself that way, but the word “warrior” brought a rush of energy and confidence. I told myself, “Don’t complain about your problems. Face them head-on like a warrior.” This reminded me of my family’s history of perseverance.
My dad had to start working at a very young age after his father died in an accident, to support his family. My grandmother, who was orphaned at 15, got a job to support herself and her younger brother. Even though she worked so hard that she looked much older than she was by the age of 70, she never gave up. The generations before them also lived tough lives as laborers and servants but managed to survive and have children.
Compared to their struggles, my life is almost luxurious. I realized I really don’t have anything to complain about. Instead, I should take inspiration from my ancestors. We come from a long line of survivors and warriors. I decided to emulate them by not letting self-doubt take over.
I know that what I do is valuable, and so am I. Financial challenges are just battles to be won. I’m not looking to fight anyone, but I’m ready to face my difficulties confidently, like a warrior gearing up for a battle. The Buddha talked about facing challenges head-on, and it is better to fight for what you believe in than to give up.
So, if you ever feel doubt or hopelessness and think about giving up, remember who you are. You come from a lineage of survivors who have overcome countless challenges. Draw inspiration from their strength as you move forward. Be a warrior.
If you feel inspired to support Wildmind’s mission of teaching meditation and want to learn about its benefits, consider looking into Wildmind’s Meditation Initiative.