Being aware of our body is a powerful tool for grounding ourselves and calming down. By focusing on physical sensations and movements, we can divert our attention from stressful, repetitive thoughts. This helps our emotions settle, making us feel calmer and more at ease. Practicing mindfulness in this way also brings long-term changes in the brain that make us less reactive and less likely to panic.
Our body posture has a direct and immediate impact on our emotions. The way we hold our body can change how we feel, and these effects can be measured through underlying hormones and our behavior. For example, a 2014 study by the University of Auckland found that individuals with mild to moderate depression who were asked to sit up straight felt more energized and had a better mood compared to those who sat normally. They used more words and were less self-focused during a stressful task, suggesting improved confidence and mood.
Other research shows that sitting up straight can help us remember positive memories and have positive thoughts, while a slumped posture can lead to depressive thoughts. A 2010 study at Columbia and Harvard universities found that adopting a dominant posture can increase testosterone (boosting confidence) and decrease cortisol (reducing stress). Those who adopted submissive postures experienced the opposite effects. In a gambling game, the high-power group felt more confident and took more risks.
Posture plays a vital role in how we feel and act. Studies by Adam D. Galinsky and Li Huang of Northwestern University showed that posture is a major predictor of whether people feel powerful or take action, even more so than recalling powerful memories or being in positions of power.
The good news is that posture is easy to change. You can start right now by doing a standing meditation in a Superman or Wonder Woman pose, or sitting in a power pose. Keep your head high and limbs spread out, avoiding slouching, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and powerlessness. Regularly check and correct your posture throughout the day, whether you’re sitting, standing, driving, or walking. Adopting power poses several times a day for at least three minutes can make a significant difference in how you feel.
If adopting a confident posture initially makes you feel anxious, recognize that it’s temporary. The physiological changes will soon bring you a sense of strength and confidence.