Persevere and Thrive!

CalmMinds MeditationMindfulness

Persevere and Thrive!


Persevere and Thrive!

You might have heard of community-supported agriculture, where people buy a share of a farm’s produce, delivered as the crops are ready. Wildmind is doing something similar by becoming a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative.

By supporting us, starting at just $8 a month, you’ll gain access to various resources. This support provides Wildmind with the financial stability to focus solely on teaching meditation, easing the financial stress we’ve faced in recent years.

In the future, being a member of our community will be the only way to participate in new courses we develop. Once the remaining shares are sponsored, this opportunity may not be available again for some time, so it’s best to act now.

You can choose to sponsor any number of shares. On average, people sponsor a little over two shares. There are no extra benefits for sponsoring more shares, other than good karma, but if you want to show extra appreciation and can afford it, sponsoring more would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,