These days, I’ve been reflecting on the idea of “lived by love.” To me, it means approaching life with compassion, good intentions, self-control, warmth, and kindness. It’s about finding what’s to like in everything and everyone, connecting with others, and caring deeply.
At a deeper level, this practice involves a relaxed openness to a broad sense of love that is inherent in everything. The world and your mind naturally support you moment by moment. This isn’t just a nice idea—it’s real. Our physical selves are deeply connected with the material world, which never fails us. The resources around us—light, air, furniture, flowers—are present and available, no matter what the future holds. Likewise, the care and goodwill from others, your own achievements, and your body’s health are all there. Your mind continually creates each thought, sound, and moment of awareness.
It’s challenging to consistently feel this connection to everything around us. Our brains evolved to keep us cautious for survival. But if you take a moment to truly look, you’ll see that you’re always supported by the world and your mind, much like a child being carried to bed by her mother. This support is a form of love, and when you trust it enough to relax into it, you can start to let go of fear and the sense of being separate. This leads to the release of cravings that cause suffering and harm, allowing love to flow freely through you and out into the world.
Imagine if you spent a single day being guided by love—not perfectly, but often. When I try this, my day’s events don’t change much, but my experience of them and their impact on me improve greatly. Consider this as a practice for a day, a week, or even a whole year.
Now, think about a world where many people—both the well-known and the everyday folks—live guided by love. Our world is at a critical point, where we could either move towards prosperity, justice, and peace or face more conflict and division. It’s not just possible; it’s necessary for a significant number of people to live guided by love.
How do we do this? The essence of this practice is yielding to everything that keeps you alive and going. This requires a shift from a controlling, top-down approach to a relaxed, receptive way of being. Feel supported by the underlying causes of each moment of awareness, and allow love to flow through you.
Here are some ways to start:
– Soften and open your heart. Notice that right now, you’re basically okay. Listen to your body telling your brain that you’re alright.
– Feel the fullness of this moment, with all its perceptions, thoughts, and feelings.
– Recognize the support of nature and life, which have been evolving for billions of years.
– Look around at your surroundings, including your own hands and body, and appreciate the generosity of the material world, which has been unfolding for over 12 billion years.
– Be aware of the warmth and goodwill around you. Sense your connection to others and the support from your relationships. Some people care about you, and you are almost certainly loved.
– Feel carried by the effortless knowing of your mind. When stress or worry arises, see that the underlying operation of your mind is fine.
By repeatedly making this shift, you can let your love flow freely. Bring this down to earth: in your first interaction with someone today, consider how you would act if guided by love. What would a week or a year look like if you lived by love? Why not give it a try? If enough people do this, the world could become a much better place.
Let love’s currents guide you home.