In a series of posts, I’ve been exploring how the early Buddhist scriptures can help us break free from our social media addiction. These teachings come from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta, which offers five strategies for overcoming strong urges.
The term “Vitakkasanthana Sutta” translates to “The Discourse on Quieting Thinking,” but I’m referring to it as “the Social Media Sutra.” Here, “thinking” includes not just our inner chatter but also the emotional impulses that come with it. So, the urge to constantly check social media or surf the internet is considered a type of thinking in this context.
The first strategy involves shifting our attention to something positive. The second looks at the downsides of our unproductive habits. The third teaches us how to reduce temptations. Now, let’s delve into the fourth strategy and see how it can help us with social media addiction.
This fourth strategy is about “stopping the formation of thoughts.” It sounds ideal if we could do it easily. Imagine having an off-switch or a dial to control our thoughts.
So what does the scripture actually say about stopping thoughts? It advises that if none of the other methods have worked to quiet our unskillful thoughts and urges, we should focus on stopping the formation of thoughts. When we do this, those negative thoughts eventually disappear, leading our minds to become calm, unified, and absorbed in mindfulness.
To explain further, consider this analogy: Imagine someone walking quickly who decides to slow down, then to stand still, and finally to sit or lie down. This person is moving from more active to more restful states. Similarly, when our minds are cluttered with thoughts and urges driving us to get involved in social media, we need to understand what propels these actions. By becoming more aware, we can let go and bring our minds to rest.
If you’re mindlessly surfing the web, you might notice a sense of anxiety. This feeling could manifest as a tight, prickly sensation in your gut. Part of your brain creates this feeling as a way to alert you about a perceived threat, such as boredom or missing out. Other parts of your brain react to this discomfort by pushing you to keep scrolling or clicking. These impulses and the accompanying inner dialogue are the “thoughts” we need to slow down.
Feelings play a crucial role in Buddhist practice. The Buddha said that “everything converges on feeling” because feelings significantly influence our behavior. In the example of social media, it’s the unpleasant sensation driving our actions.
When we become mindful of these feelings, we can acknowledge them without reacting. We might even feel compassion for the part of us that is suffering. This mindful self-compassion creates a pause, allowing us to choose a more thoughtful and kinder response.
In the case of internet addiction, there’s always an uncomfortable feeling at its root, whether it’s boredom, anxiety, or something else. We can train ourselves to face this discomfort with kindness and compassion. This practice helps us move from reacting impulsively to responding wisely.
Often, when I find myself stuck on my computer, compulsively reading articles, I use this approach. I acknowledge my discomfort and turn my attention to the feelings in my body. Usually, there’s an unpleasant sensation in my gut. When I’m not mindful, I see this feeling as a problem that needs fixing by going online. But these reactions are instinctual rather than deliberate.
When I’m mindful, I recognize the unpleasant sensation as just a feeling created by a part of my brain. I don’t need to react to it. Instead, I can observe it and offer myself some compassion. I might touch my belly and say, “May you be well. May you be happy. May you be at peace.”
Our drive to engage compulsively with social media stems from a desire to escape emotional pain. We cannot break free from such addictive urges until we learn to face our pain with mindfulness and compassion. When we crave something, it’s like an invisible cord connects us to it, allowing our emotions to flow through. By mindfully addressing the painful feelings underlying our cravings, it’s as if we cut that cord.
When I do this, my emotional connection to the internet weakens, and I can easily put down my phone or close my laptop. This allows me to engage in more wholesome activities instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media.
So, that’s the fourth tool: stopping the formation of unskillful urges. By understanding and addressing the feelings driving our thoughts and urges, we can respond in a healthier way and break free from our compulsion to stay engaged with social media.