Lately, I’ve been feeling a pull towards the phrase “lived by love.” To me, this means acting with compassion, good intentions, self-control, warmth, and kindness. It’s about connecting with others and finding what’s to like in every situation.
More deeply, this means opening up to the pervasive nature of love present in everything around us. Each moment, the world and our minds guide us forward reliably.
This isn’t just some fanciful idea—it’s grounded in reality. Our physical bodies are part of a complex material world where particles and energies work seamlessly. The things around us—the light, air, furniture, and flowers—are here for us, regardless of what the future brings. Similarly, the care and goodwill from others, our achievements, and the health of our bodies are constants in our lives. Our minds continue to process thoughts, sounds, and moments of consciousness steadily.
Maintaining a deep awareness of this interconnectedness is challenging. Our brains are wired to keep us alert and safe, a legacy from our ancestors. But if you take a moment to observe, you’ll find that, right now and in every moment, you are supported by the world and your mind, like a child being carried to bed by a loving parent. This support is a form of love. Trusting this allows you to let go of fear and the sense of being separate. It reduces the cravings that lead to suffering and harm, freeing love to flow through you and into the world.
Imagine going through a day where you frequently—though not perfectly—lived by love. When I try this, my day’s events don’t change much, but my experience of them and their impact improve significantly. Try adopting this practice for a day, a week, or even an entire year.
Now, think about a world where many people, from all walks of life, lived by love. As our world stands at a critical juncture, tipping towards either prosperity, justice, and peace or towards conflict and division, it seems that for a critical mass of people to live by love is not just possible—it’s essential.
How do we get there? It starts by yielding to the forces that sustain us. This shifts our perspective from a controlling, self-centered way of operating to one that is more relaxed and receptive, supported by the greater forces at play in each moment of our awareness. From this foundation, we can encourage love in all its forms to flow through us. Here are a few ways to do this, though you might discover more on your own.
Begin by softening and opening your heart. Notice that you are okay right now. Listen to your body telling your brain that you are fundamentally alright. Appreciate the fullness of this moment, with all its perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. Recognize the supportive currents of nature and life, gifts from billions of years of evolution. Look at the objects around you, including your own hands and body, and consider the generosity of the material world that has been evolving for over 12 billion years.
Be aware of the warmth and goodwill others have towards you. Recognize how you are connected and supported by a web of relationships. While these relationships may not be perfect, some people do care about you—you are almost certainly loved.
Feel supported by your own consciousness, the effortless awareness of perception and thought. When you encounter stress, worry, or pain, realize that the functioning of your mind itself is inherently fine.
Repeatedly making this subtle yet profound shift, allowing yourself to be carried by the combined forces of mind and matter, enables your love to flow more freely. Ground this concept in everyday life: If you approached your first interaction today from a place of love, how would you behave? What would you say? Imagine a week or a year lived this way.
Consider giving this a try. If enough people practice living by love, our world could become a much better place.
Let the currents of love guide you home.