Sitting With Bodhi is a special kind of meditation course where you can get daily guidance from Bodhipaksa if you choose. Typically, we think about change and impermanence as concepts to ponder, but Bodhipaksa offers 28 meditation sessions that help you observe these ideas in your own experiences. This approach helps you break free from the feeling that anything about you is permanent or stuck and allows you to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments.
The course kicks off on July 15, and you can enroll any time until August 11. You decide the pace of the course, as you control when you receive the emails. You’ll get 28 emails, each containing a link to a new guided meditation recorded for this event. Each meditation session starts with a 10-minute introduction to a specific way of experiencing peace and calm.
1. Can I revisit a meditation after completing it?
Yes, you can download the meditations and listen to them anytime. The YouTube versions will probably remain available indefinitely.
2. Do I need to complete the meditations within the course dates?
No, there’s no time limit. You can proceed at your own pace.
3. Do I need to complete previous Sitting With Bodhi series before this one?
No, each series stands alone, and there are no prerequisites.
To enroll, you need to be a sponsor of our community-based meditation initiative, costing $6 per month per Community Share. Membership provides multiple benefits, and many people continue to support the initiative even after their course ends.
Currently, with almost 500 sponsors, we are progressing well toward making Wildmind a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative. Click the provided link to subscribe.
Hi Bodhi, I forgot how to register as a subscriber.
Hey, Angie.
You’ll find a subscription link in the upcoming community newsletter, which should be out in a day or two.
I missed it, and only saw a Facebook notice.
Sorry for the confusion earlier; the Community Newsletter is sent out on the 15th of each month. Please look out for it in a few days for the enrollment link. It seems you unsubscribed from all our newsletters on June 6th. I’ve re-added you to the list for just that newsletter. Sponsors won’t receive the regular newsletter unless registered with a different email.
I’m having the same issue and missed your link to the course. Any advice?
Hi, Swas.
Our records show that you received the July Community Newsletter on July 17 and opened it multiple times shortly after but not since July 20. Search for it in your Gmail inbox (from community@wildmind.org).
Hi, I subscribed to the Change and Impermanence course but haven’t received daily emails. Did I do it right?
Hi, Chris.
The records indicate an initial email was sent on July 17 at 1:06 PM US Eastern time. Please check your Promotions and Updates tabs, and also the spam and trash folders.
OK, found it in Spam 3 days later. Chris
Great! If you mark it as “not spam,” Gmail will recognize it as legitimate. Also, you can move the emails to your Primary Inbox to ensure they don’t get lost.
I’ve subscribed to your app, which is great but has a few issues. Does it count as a subscription for the new Sitting with Bodhi course?
Hi, Alan.
The app subscription and this course are separate. However, the course materials will be available in the app.
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Wildmind is a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative. Explore membership benefits.