In an interview, Lynn Jurich, the founder and CEO of Sunrun, a solar energy company, shared her daily meditation mantra: “All people and all circumstances are my allies.” Repeating this phrase every morning helps her see everyone and everything as a partner rather than an adversary, aligning with key Buddhist teachings.
Typically, we don’t view all people and circumstances as allies. We often feel opposed to others and think of situations as obstacles or not meeting our expectations. When asked if she considered even her business competitor, Elon Musk, an ally, Jurich affirmed, citing his efforts in solar energy for climate concerns.
Jurich could see Musk as an ally in other ways too. For instance, if he develops a better solar product or marketing campaign, it pushes her company to improve. Feeling jealousy towards Musk can also teach her about patience and the challenges of envy.
Her mantra may have roots in Buddhist tradition, which emphasizes learning from adversity. For example, Shantideva, an 8th-century Indian teacher, wrote about valuing enemies for helping develop patience. Another Tibetan saying, “transform all mishaps into the path of awakening,” conveys a similar message. Jurich’s version is concise, making it an easy mantra for meditation.
Jurich integrates this mantra into her morning meditation, highlighting the importance of not just understanding such teachings but truly embedding them in our minds through repetition and focus. To internalize the mantra, try memorizing it, then test if it sticks in your long-term memory. Repeated practice helps internalize the message.
Finding time to meditate on this phrase can be transformative. Simply let it sink into your mind, reminding yourself that challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. Over time, this practice can help you remain composed and open-hearted, even in difficult situations.
I’ve started incorporating this mantra into my own routine. It’s already bringing me more peace amidst life’s challenges. For instance, interruptions from my son have become opportunities to practice love and patience rather than irritation. This mantra fosters self-compassion, compassion for others, and positive affirmation, making it a powerful tool for personal growth.
Thank you for expanding and diversifying this practice, both in meditation and daily life.