There are two major decisions you need to make in life: understanding your purpose and figuring out how to live that purpose daily. Your purpose is the “why” behind your actions. The “how” is about the choices, decisions, and paths you take to align with that purpose. It involves navigating life’s dilemmas, deciding what to say “yes” or “no” to, and choosing who you will journey with.
If you get the why and how mixed up, problems arise. Most people dive into the how without a clear understanding of their why. This often leads to a sense of aimlessness or dissatisfaction because actions aren’t grounded in a clear set of values and purpose. Instead, they may stumble through life swayed by others’ values and expectations, or living inconsistently with different goals in various situations.
The aim of “Find and Live Your Purpose” is to help you clarify your values and life purpose (your why), and figure out how to live a life congruent with those core principles. Your purpose isn’t created; it’s already within you and needs to be discovered and clarified so you can live more authentically.
This approach is important to me personally. Back in the early 1990s, when I was running a retreat center in the Scottish Highlands and feeling overwhelmed, I found Stephen Covey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People.” Initially, I avoided it, thinking “success” meant material gains, but I learned Covey defined success as living with awareness and making meaningful choices.
Interestingly, Covey’s first three habits align closely with the initial three obstacles the Buddha said needed to be overcome to gain insight and start a path to awakening. This synergy deeply transformed my life, guiding my direction from then to now.
The goal of “Find and Live Your Purpose” is to instill a strong sense of doing the right thing, moving in the right direction, and being whole, complete, and happy. Ultimately, the course aims to help you get closer to Awakening.
As we explore life’s purpose, we will draw upon Buddhist teachings for insight, as well as principles from Covey’s book, expressed in different terms. You don’t need to have read Covey’s book or be well-versed in Buddhist teachings, although it might help. The course includes guided meditations, daily readings, and reflections to assist you on the path to waking up to reality.
If you’re interested in this online course, including guided meditations and daily teachings via email, you can click here to learn more.