In recent years, extensive research has provided us with clearer insights into what happens in the brain when we meditate and the long-term benefits it brings. Meditation offers numerous advantages, including optimizing brain function overall. It can be seen as a series of exercises that help our brains work more efficiently.
Neuroscience has helped us understand the mechanics of meditation more precisely. When we meditate, we strengthen and thicken areas of the brain that regulate the amygdala, which is responsible for generating anxiety. As a result, the amygdala shrinks over time, leading to lasting emotional changes. In contrast to outdated metaphors that liken emotions to hydraulic fluids that burst out if not expressed, neuroscience provides more accurate ways to understand our experiences.
Scientists can actually observe these changes occurring in the brain within a few weeks, rather than the years one might expect. Most studies last only eight weeks, with participants meditating for about 20 minutes a day, demonstrating that significant benefits can be achieved in a relatively short amount of time.
If you think meditation isn’t for you or believe that only “spiritual” people can reap its benefits, consider this: just as regular physical exercise promotes muscle growth and flexibility, regular meditation fosters brain growth and emotional resilience.
While discussing optimizing the brain, I’m using a figure of speech called metonymy. Just like saying we need to “save the planet” actually means saving the biosphere, optimizing the brain means enhancing our entire being and life.
In the 28 sessions of my online course, Optimize Your Brain, we’ll delve into brain research and meditation to make positive changes in various aspects of life. This includes achieving greater calmness and focus, enhancing happiness, boosting creativity and intelligence, fostering better interpersonal harmony, and cultivating insight.
When does the course start?
The course begins on the 10th. All the information you need is in the link provided.
Meditation has been transformative for me, making me happier, more at peace, and improving my sleep. If you’re wondering whether the course is still open for registration, it is. Just click on the link.
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