Hi, it’s Bodhipaksa here, and I’d like to share some exciting news.
A few months ago, I realized that offering our online meditation courses on a donation basis wasn’t sustainable. So, I decided to turn Wildmind into a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative.
The plan was to create 1,500 shares for sponsorship. By sponsoring a share for just $6 a month, supporters would gain access to all the online meditation courses I’ve developed over the years, plus some additional perks. This setup also provides me with the financial stability needed to continue teaching meditation. It’s a win-win situation!
At first, I had my doubts. I wondered if enough people would be interested in this initiative to make it viable. But it turns out, my concerns were unfounded!
We’ve experienced steady growth. I feared we might see a quick surge followed by stagnation, but three months in, that hasn’t been the case.
We’re now approaching 600 sponsors because the benefits are so appealing. On average, each supporter sponsors two shares, even though they only need to sponsor one at $6 a month to get all the benefits. They do this because they value the initiative and want to support it. It’s rewarding to know you’re helping something that makes a difference in people’s lives.
But there are other perks too.
As a sponsor, you’ll receive a monthly community newsletter. This newsletter includes a link to an exclusive article and a free guided meditation download. The most significant benefit, though, is access to at least one meditation course each month at no extra cost. Previously, these courses were priced between $40 and $120. Plus, I’m continually adding new courses. In fact, a new course is starting later this month.
We also have an online community where you can discuss your practice, engage with others, and get your questions answered.
Soon, I’m launching a brand-new meditation course featuring 28 guided meditations. You can follow these at your own pace, and the meditations are delivered via email for you to stream or download. The only way to join this course is by becoming a sponsor.
At the time of writing, over 70% of the shares have already been sponsored. Once they’re all taken, this opportunity might not come around again for a while, and the cost of shares will likely increase soon.
This is a fantastic opportunity, and I hope you’ll join us. If you’d like to learn more, please use the form below!
Best regards,
Click here to subscribe to the meditation initiative.
I’m thrilled to see the steady growth. Initially, I was worried about a drop-off after the early adopters joined. I’m glad I was wrong. Interestingly, I shared a similar growth chart at work to demonstrate how optimistic project timelines can be unrealistic, which hasn’t made me very popular around the office.
I love that these much-needed courses are available online. Many people can’t attend in-person meditation classes or live in areas where such classes aren’t available. I appreciate this initiative and wish you the best of luck going forward.