“Inhale with Intention: ‘Energize, Inspire, Enjoy'”

CalmMinds MeditationHealth and Wellness

“Inhale with Intention: ‘Energize, Inspire, Enjoy'”


Recently, I suggested a simple mantra to use while exhaling: Release, Rest, Reveal. These words help us relax our body, ease our mind, and stay open to whatever comes our way.

Now, I want to introduce a mantra for inhaling: Energize, Inspire, Enjoy. Each word here has a unique role.

“Energize” helps us tap into the natural boost that comes with breathing in. When we inhale, our sympathetic nervous system kicks in, which isn’t just about the “fight or flight” response—it also gears us up emotionally and physically. Think about how you gasp when you’re surprised; that’s your body getting an energy jolt.

During regular breathing, this same system subtly energizes us. Oxygen fills our bodies, our hearts beat a bit faster, and we feel more upright and ready for action. Saying “energize” as we breathe in reminds us to notice these small but invigorating changes.

“Inspire” shifts our attention to how our mind changes with each breath. Just as our body gets a burst of energy, our mind becomes more alert and bright. Saying “inspire” helps us tune into this mental clarity.

“Enjoy” encourages us to savor any pleasure we might feel. It ties everything together—the exhalation and inhalation, the body and mind. Both relaxing on the out-breath and feeling the energy on the in-breath can be delightful. Saying “enjoy” as we breathe in helps us appreciate the positive sensations and happiness that come from simply noticing our breath.

There’s no need to force anything—just say the words and let them work their magic.

Focusing only on exhaling can make us calm but also a bit sleepy, while focusing only on inhaling can energize us but might lead to feeling too excitable.

So, the in-breath teaches us three things: energy in our body, inspiration in our mind, and joy in our heart.

If you decide to use both sets of mantras, do so wisely. You might want to start your meditation with the out-breath mantra to calm your mind, then move to the in-breath mantra. However, since this can make you too excited, you’ll reach a point where you need to drop the mantras and just focus on your breathing, sensing it as a continuous flow of sensations without emphasizing either the exhalation or inhalation.