My Personal Journey of Embracing a Buddhist Lifestyle

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My Personal Journey of Embracing a Buddhist Lifestyle


My Personal Journey of Embracing a Buddhist Lifestyle

A while ago, I heard from a woman who was worried that my life as a Buddhist must be pretty dull—she assumed I just spent my time meditating and “being good” all the time. She probably thought I’d be a boring person to hang out with and maybe was afraid of getting involved in Buddhist practice herself.

Tonight, I came back from an improv comedy show, and the performers were hilarious. I had an amazing time, which is probably not what she envisioned for a Buddhist.

I wrote back to her explaining that Buddhism, to me, is about principles and guidelines for living rather than strict rules. I shared some of the principles that guide my life:

Together, these principles form a sort of personal philosophy. This philosophy includes the values I try to live by—or at least strive to. I’m actually going to print this list out to remind myself of how I want to live. It’s not about following rules or just being good; it’s about finding deeper meaning, purpose, and connection in life.

What would your top three or four guidelines for life be?

I would add this: Sharing our wisdom and knowledge with those who are open to listening or seeking guidance can help the world learn and improve, whether our experiences are of success or failure.

If I were to pick my top three guidelines, they would be: 1) Be kind to myself and others; 2) Be fully present in the moment, or at least keep returning to that; and 3) Be real and authentic. Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

Here are my top three: 1) Don’t let age hold you back. It’s never too late to become what you want to be. 2) Smile and treat everyone you meet like they’re already your best friend. 3) Yes, you can—now go do it!