Over the past few years, a lot of research has provided us with a clearer understanding of what happens in the brain when we meditate and how these changes benefit us in the long run. Meditation offers a wide range of benefits. It’s fascinating that one practice can bring such varied positive effects. Essentially, meditation helps our brain operate at its best and could be described as “exercises that optimize our brains.”
Neuroscience gives us a precise understanding of how meditation works. For instance, meditating strengthens parts of the brain that control the amygdala, which is linked to anxiety. This, in turn, causes the amygdala to shrink, resulting in lasting emotional changes. Older ways of describing our experiences, like comparing emotions to fluids that need to be released, are outdated. Neuroscience provides more accurate metaphors, helping us better comprehend ourselves.
Researchers can actually observe the changes I’ve mentioned occurring in the brain. These changes are noticeable in just a few weeks, contrary to the assumption that they might take years. Most neuroscience studies last about eight weeks, with participants meditating for around 20 minutes a day. That’s not a lot of time!
If you think you’re not suited for meditation or that only “spiritual” people benefit from it, consider this: exercising the brain is quite similar to exercising the body. Just as physical workouts improve muscle growth and flexibility, regular meditation enhances brain function and emotional resilience.
I need to point out that when I talk about “optimizing your brain,” I’m using a figure of speech called a metonym. This means using a part to represent a whole, or vice versa. For example, saying we want to “save the planet” actually means we want to save the biosphere that lives on it. Similarly, optimizing the brain really means improving our entire being or even our whole lives.
In my 28-session online course, Optimize Your Brain, we’ll explore brain research and meditation to bring positive changes in various aspects of our lives. This includes increasing calmness and focus, enhancing happiness, boosting creativity and intelligence, fostering better relationships, and cultivating insight.
The course begins on the 10th, Kornelius. Hopefully, you’ll find all the details you need in the link provided.
Meditation has been a transformative experience for me. Despite a busy family life, online job, emails, and other duties, I decided to prioritize it. Now, I’m happier, more at peace, and sleep better.
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