I can remember when people would usually answer “good” when asked the typical “How are you?” Nowadays, the common response is “busy.”
In recent months, I’ve felt incredibly busy and somewhat scattered. With numerous priorities to juggle at any given moment, my attention seems to be constantly shifting, and my body feels tense and overworked, like being spread too thin.
Do you know that feeling? It’s not only unpleasant but also stressful, and it seems to spread from one person to another. This is partly fueled by the culture of consumerism, especially in Western and American societies. If you’re not busy, you might be seen as unimportant. If you’re not constantly occupied, you might be perceived as underperforming. Kids are expected to be busy with homework and activities to get ahead. If you don’t appear busy, someone might think you need to work harder.
Enough is enough. Instead of feeling scattered, focus and concentrate your mind and energy. Not only does this feel better, but it’s also more effective in the long run. Just like an Olympic gymnast or a rocket preparing for launch, finding your center is crucial.
1. Savor Pleasure
Our brains evolved so that pleasure and the natural chemicals it produces help us recover from stress. Truly enjoy physical or mental pleasures without rushing to the next thing.
2. Move
Physical activity like dancing, exercise, yoga, walking, and sports helps reset both the body and mind. Personally, I find that movement, whether very subtle or very intense, has the most significant impact.
3. Get Wild
We evolved in nature, and studies show that being in natural settings is very restorative. Whether it’s at the beach, in the wilderness, or just sitting under a tree, nature can heal.
4. Enjoy Art
Engage with anything aesthetic, whether it’s doing crafts, listening to music, watching a play, trying a new recipe, playing an instrument, building something, or taking a creative class.
5. Feel the Core
Most signals to your brain come from within your body, usually telling you that all is well. Focusing on your breathing and physical sensations can help you feel grounded and centered.
6. Be Now
The present moment is where time centers. Humans have a unique ability to mentally travel through time, but this can lead to constant worry and planning. Instead, try to stay in the present moment.
7. Get Disenchanted
Wake up from the spell cast by constant desires and cultural pressures. Realize that the rewards you’re chasing might not be as fulfilling as they seem. Focus on feeling peaceful, content, and loved right now, rather than pursuing endless goals.
Come back to your center.
Additionally, try smiling at a stranger. It can help you connect with the present moment and those around you, bringing a sense of simplicity and focus.
Come home to center.