I remember a time when people would usually respond with “good” when asked, “How are you?” Nowadays, the typical answer seems to be “busy.”
Recently, I’ve been feeling incredibly busy myself, dealing with numerous priorities at once. My attention is constantly jumping from one thing to another, leaving me feeling like an octopus squeezed between two sheets of glass. It’s stressful and contagious, spreading from person to person and influenced partly by the consumer-driven culture in the West, especially in America. The mentality is that if you’re not busy, you’re not important; if you don’t multitask, you’re underperforming; and if your kids aren’t swamped with activities, they’ll fall behind.
But enough is enough. Rather than feeling scattered, it’s more beneficial to focus and direct your energy. Not only does it feel better, but it’s also more effective in the long run. Consider how an Olympic gymnast centers themselves before a performance or how a rocket stabilizes before launch.
Here are some ways to find that center:
1. Savor Pleasure
Our brains evolved to use pleasure and natural opioids to bring us back from stress and into a state of balance. Allow yourself to fully enjoy physical or mental pleasures without rushing to the next activity.
2. Move
Physical activities like dancing, exercising, yoga, walking, and playing sports can help reset your body and mind. For me, both very gentle movements and vigorous exercises have the most positive impact.
3. Get Wild
Nature is inherently calming. Whether it’s a beach, a forest, or simply sitting under a tree, being in natural settings can be incredibly restorative.
4. Enjoy Art
Engage in or appreciate any form of art. This could be anything from crafting, listening to music, watching a play, cooking a new recipe, to taking a pottery class.
5. Feel the Core
Many signals in your brain come from your own body, reassuring you that everything is okay. Paying attention to your breathing and bodily sensations helps you feel grounded and centered.
6. Be Now
We often scatter our thoughts between the past and the future, worrying or planning constantly. Try to be fully present in this moment. Right now, just be here.
7. Get Disenchanted
Recognize that the constant pursuit of little goals and rewards dictated by societal norms doesn’t bring lasting satisfaction. Realize that these rewards are often overhyped. Focus on feeling content and at peace with what you have, instead of always chasing after more.
Return to your center, feel already peaceful, contented, and loved. This is the home base for your body, brain, and mind. Come back to this center.
Also, try smiling at a stranger—it helps shift your focus outward and reconnects you with the present moment, reminding you of the simplicity of life.