Meditation is a powerful practice that can make us healthier, happier, and more compassionate. Even though many of us understand these benefits, maintaining a regular meditation routine can be challenging. You might have struggled to establish a daily meditation practice, affecting your self-perception and causing you to believe you can’t meditate regularly. This belief only makes it harder to meditate, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
To combat this, I want to share a simple technique that helped me build a consistent meditation habit. Despite knowing the numerous benefits of meditation from scientific studies, like reducing stress, promoting happiness, slowing brain aging, and lessening pain, I often struggled to meditate daily. I would skip days, and getting back into the routine became increasingly difficult.
The technique that worked for me involves repeating a mantra: “I meditate every day; it’s just what I do; it’s part of who I am.” This mantra helps reprogram your self-belief, replacing the notion that you can’t meditate daily with the belief that you can. Eventually, the idea that you meditate daily takes root and becomes part of your identity.
You might think, “This isn’t true; I don’t meditate every day,” and feel reluctant to repeat something that feels false. However, treat this mantra as a statement of intention, focusing on your future behavior rather than past habits. It’s true from the moment you decide to adopt it.
Repeat these phrases often: when you wake up, in the shower, while driving, doing chores, at the gym, walking, lying in bed, and even while meditating. Consistent repetition is key. Just remember, the mantra alone won’t do all the work; you still need to put in the effort to meditate daily. Aim for at least five minutes of meditation each day, no matter what.
Over time, you’ll internalize the mantra. You’ll find that you do meditate every day; it becomes second nature, much like brushing your teeth. This approach really works. Give it a try.
Thank you very much. Inspiring and I will try it.
Great tip! Thank you. We will certainly try it out. We have been trying candle meditation, and the candle helps a lot with focus, calmness, and peace.