I’ve been running online courses through Wildmind since 2001, and I might have been one of the first to offer meditation courses online. Over the years, a lot has changed. We’ve experimented with various formats, combining background reading materials with guided meditations in audio format, supported by discussions.
This approach has worked well, but since more people are using mobile devices where reading can be less enjoyable, we’ve found it harder to stay focused. So, we’re trying an entirely audio-based course as an experiment.
The new ten-day program features sessions that are just 10 minutes long, making it easy to fit into your day. It will teach you ways to calm your mind and develop mindfulness—an observational attitude that helps you monitor your experiences, let go of habits that cause stress and anxiety, and encourage habits that boost happiness and wellbeing.
The 28-day course is adapted from one of our audio courses. We’ve created audio introductions to the meditations, offering an immersive audio experience. These introductory talks replace readings and lead into the guided meditations.
Mindfulness is something we practice not just in meditation but in everyday activities like shopping, driving, and eating. This course will help you learn to meditate and provide practical tips on how to incorporate mindfulness into all aspects of your life.
I hope you’ll join us in exploring these new teaching formats!