Hi, Bodhipaksa here. I want to share some exciting updates with you.
A few months ago, I realized that offering our online meditation courses by donation just wasn’t working anymore. That led me to the idea of transforming Wildmind into a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative.
The plan was to offer 1,500 shares for sponsorship. For just $6 a month, sponsors would get access to the online meditation courses I’d developed over the years, along with some extra perks. This approach would also provide me with the financial stability to keep teaching meditation. It’s a win-win situation!
Initially, I had doubts and wondered if the plan would attract enough supporters. Luckily, my fears were unfounded. We’ve seen steady growth since launching. I worried that we might start strong and then hit a plateau, but three months in, that hasn’t happened. We’re nearing 600 sponsors, and the benefits have been incredibly appealing.
Interestingly, each subscriber typically sponsors two shares, even though sponsoring just one share at $6 a month would grant the same benefits. This extra support comes from people who truly appreciate what we’re doing and want to contribute more.
So, what are these great benefits? As a sponsor, you’ll receive a monthly community newsletter. Each newsletter contains a link to an exclusive article and a free guided meditation download.
The biggest perk? Every newsletter includes a link to at least one meditation course that you can join for free. These are the same courses we used to offer for $40 to $120. Plus, I’m constantly adding new courses. In fact, a new course is set to start later this month.
There’s also an online community where you can discuss your practice. If you’re participating in one of the courses, you can chat with me and other members, ask questions, and share experiences.
Soon, I’ll be launching a brand new meditation course featuring 28 guided meditations. You can stream or download these meditations and go through them at your own pace. The only way to join this course is by becoming a sponsor.
At this point, over 70% of the shares have already been sponsored. Once the remaining shares are taken, this opportunity might not come around again for a while, and we will likely increase the cost of shares in the near future.
This is truly an amazing chance, and I hope you decide to join us. If you want to learn more, please use the form below.