I recently felt really down and depressed, but a simple thought popped into my mind and completely changed my mood. I want to share it because I think it can help others too.
The other day, I was out for a walk, thinking about Wildmind’s financial struggles. We’re currently not getting enough sponsorship to cover our expenses, and the bank balance is dropping fast.
It’s disheartening to work on something valuable and not get the support you need. In my darkest moments, I question if my work is valued, which sometimes leads me to think I’m not valued.
These gloomy thoughts filled my mind during my walk, and I felt pretty low. But then, out of nowhere, the thought, “You’re a warrior,” came to me.
I don’t usually see myself that way, but as soon as I thought of the word “warrior,” I felt a rush of energy and confidence.
I told myself, “Don’t complain about your problems. Be a warrior and tackle them head-on.”
This reminded me of my long line of ancestors who fought for survival. My dad, for example, was only nine when his father died in an accident. He had to work from a young age to support his family.
My dad’s mom was orphaned at 15 and ended up in an orphanage with her younger brother. At 16, she got a job as a cleaner and took her brother out of the orphanage, effectively becoming his parent. She worked so hard that by 70, she looked like she was in her 90s.
Her parents had tough lives and died young from diseases common among working-class people. Her grandfather was a ship’s cook who survived a fire and shipwreck on a wooden cargo ship en route to India.
Before them, most of my ancestors were farm laborers or servants. They had hard lives but managed to have children who survived.
Compared to their struggles, my life is quite luxurious and carefree. I really have nothing to complain about.
I take inspiration from my ancestors. We’re all descendants of survivors, people who strived and fought for a better life. I choose to follow their example and not let self-doubt overcome me.
I know my work is valuable, and I matter. I just need to remind myself that financial challenges are battles to be fought and won. It’s not about conquering or harming anyone; it’s about facing challenges confidently, like going into battle.
As the Buddha is said to have stated before his enlightenment, “It is better to die fighting than to live as one vanquished.”
So, if you ever doubt yourself or feel despair, remember who you are. You’re a survivor, from a lineage of fighters stretching back billions of years. Draw inspiration from the past to face your future. Be a warrior.
If you feel inspired to support Wildmind’s mission to teach meditation and want to learn more about the benefits, click here to explore Wildmind’s Meditation Initiative.