We can use our attention in two main ways: like a flashlight or a candle.
Using attention like a flashlight means having a narrow, focused beam of awareness. We concentrate on one part of our experience, so we miss a lot of what’s going on around us. This focused attention is what we usually use during the day. Right now, as you read these words, you’re using your flashlight attention. You’re mainly aware of each word and the meaning they create, not the feel of your chair, your clothes against your skin, or the air entering your nose.
A candle, on the other hand, spreads light in all directions. Using our attention like a candle means we’re aware of everything happening around and within us. We notice our whole body, breathing, and the sounds from the outside world. Though this type of awareness gives us less detail compared to the flashlight, it can quickly bring a sense of calm.
Most of us rarely use candle-like attention. Throughout the day, we move our flashlight attention from one thing to another at a rapid pace, which can be tiring. For example, we may switch our focus from a conversation to our phone, to our work, and so on. This constant switching can be exhausting.
This doesn’t mean that when we focus on one thing, it’s the only thing we experience. For instance, we might think about something while driving, which we perform almost automatically. Or we might watch TV while eating, barely noticing the food.
Many people try to meditate with flashlight awareness, focusing intently on a small part of their experience. During meditation, when asked which part of their body they are aware of, many people point out a small area, like the center of their chest.
Meditating with such a narrow focus is tough. If a thought pops up, our tendency is to focus on it intensely. We then get caught up in the story of the thought until something makes us realize we’re distracted. We then move our focus back to our breathing, repeating this cycle over and over.
The candle approach starts with relaxing the eyes. Let the muscles around your eyes soften, rest your gaze on one spot, and become aware of everything in your visual field without focusing on anything specific. Notice the sounds, smells, and other sensory information around you. Then, become aware of your entire body from where it touches the floor up to the top of your head.
You can still notice your breathing, but now you’re aware of sensations throughout your whole body, not just a small part of it. These sensations won’t be as detailed as with flashlight attention; they’ll be fuzzier and broader, which is perfectly fine. This broader awareness makes your experience richer and more engaging.
When thoughts arise, they’re just another part of the overall sensory landscape illuminated by the candle. Because your attention isn’t fixated on your thoughts, they don’t dominate your awareness as much. You can let them pass by like clouds in the sky.
Using candle-like attention is restful. It feels like you’re comfortably aware of what’s already there, instead of working hard to notice things. This method of attention can calm the mind quickly and easily. People who’ve struggled with meditation often find it brings them a newfound sense of peace. It’s a simple yet profound shift in perception.